The Great Wall

I saw it at an Imax 3D theater. It was entertaining, if you can suspend reality and believe the premise of the story. Visually so grand and beautiful, great cinema photography. The music is bold and wonderful. Zhang Yimou is the director, this is the man who directed the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening and closing ceremonies. You can tell when you watch this film. Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones actor) as Tovar is excellent, all of the Nameless Order actors are excellent. The dragon monsters are fantastic. The weakest link in this film is Matt Damon. He just never rings true and his dialogue delivery is awful. I would insert Richard Gere around the “Lancelot” time if I could wave a magic wand. You definately want to see this BIG, in 3D or just don’t bother because what is moving about the film is the majestic photography poetry, like those old silent films of Griffith or Fred Niblo’s Ben Hur.