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Interview with submissive Ophelia

Describe yourself.

Handle (name): submissive Ophelia

Age: 20 something!

submissive/slave: submissive

24/7 / weekend, etc., time frame:

Geographic area. NYC

Q: What drew you to bdsm?

A: I always had fantasies about submission. Ever since I can remember, I thought about men overpowering me, tying me up, and spanking me. When I became an adult, I actively pursued meeting others in the BDSM scene. I guess you could say that my own BDSM tendencies is what drew me to BDSM.

Q: You are a professional submissive. Do you play with friends or have a Master you are collared by?

A: I have a Master who is also my husband. Sometimes, He will allow me to play with others, especially other Mistresses. I am a very lucky girl!

Q: What was the determining factor in being a pro-sub? How did your life’s journey take you there?

A: I am a country girl, and a country-girl at heart. I always will hold a place in my heart for the small town. However, An opportunity came by to live in NYC. I jumped on that idea since the BDSM scene was better in NYC than upstate. There were more people to choose from and chances are, somebody would share the same interests as you! I would have worked as a bus driver in NYC if it paid a little better, but, fact is it did not. I decided to do something that came naturally to me and was a natural part of me. That was submission.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?

A: I do not feel that I was born to serve and please a Master. I regard myself too highly to believe that my life is for pleasing others. Although I may have slave or even submissive tendencies, they are more per scene than the whole life itself. I tend to be very independent and strong willed. I feel that I CAN CHOOSE to serve my Master and that is what freedom is. Freedom of choice is what enables me to choose to serve in scene.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?

A: I can remember so many times hurting myself and it not being a big deal. I realized at an early age that pain can feel good. After receiving my first paddling back in 1999, I had a huge endorphin rush. It was then that I realized that I would need BDSM for the rest of my life, especially the pain.

Q: Are there other qualities, such as fear and being naughty that you need as well?

A: I definitely need being naughty in scene. My favorite scene is the classic British school scene. I could not report for punishment unless I was a very naughty girl,could I?

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?

A: Pleasing a Dom/me came naturally to me. It is a part of me. I was able to grasp onto it very quickly when I met my first Dom.

Q: Do you prepare yourself for sessions, mentally and/or physically? What do you do to prepare for a heavy play session?

A: This is a long response, but I think folks are going to benefit from it. Here goes:

-I engage in meditation, deep-breathing, relaxation (catch my drift) .I Do this multiple times over multiple days.

-I do not play with anybody else unless it is a cutesy and light scene

This ensures that my behind is durable, but yet playing lightly can keep me “on my toes” for the big one next week.

-I believe in being in an excellent headspace. (No drama, issues, or anything stressing at that moment. Having things in order. This matters. For example, not having a feud going on between a family member or so)

-Knowing what is coming is of utmost importance. Coping skills. (Knowing that it will be difficult, and being able to deal with it)

-Looking forward to the scene and the pain. (Embrace and welcome it.)

-Telling oneself that they will excel and will do wonderfully. (This goes very far. I have been able to take 200 absolutely severe blows better and with less screaming than if I were not in the mood to take it, and doubting myself)

-Day of scene pampering myself beforehand. (Taking a wonderful bath in the morning, smelling and looking good) This also works wonders mentally.

-Planning a reward for myself ON THE SAME OR NEXT DAY, prior to the big scene. (I reward myself ASAP to reinforce the fact that I earned it, and had fun with it so now I get something GREAT)

Reward can be anything from an elegant expensive dinner to a new DVD video camera.

-First aid during and after the scene. Taking care of oneself. Recuperation. (This is important, too. First aid is followed all throughout the scene and aftercare is provided by my S.O. Cuts are dressed and maintained. Healing Aquaphor is put onto the area for days afterward. Immediately upon returning home a tepid bath is drawn to soak and come down. Relaxing music. Behind is massaged daily.)

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the thought “i can’t”? If so, what do you do?

A: There are definitely times when I have had the “I can’ts”. When I had my labia sutured, I thought for certain that I would not be able to endure it. I thought that I would have to end the scene or not do it in the first place. I learned that worrying oneself into a tizzy does no good prior to a scene. It is our fear that can prevent us from trying something new, enjoying it, and being able to carry out with it. I had one of the best times of my life in the medical suturing scene and will always remember it.

Q: Do you crave or like or dislike being restrained and bound in bondage?

A: I love bondage! Sometimes I wish I were a tiny body and could do all of those twisty-positions with bondage. I love feeling safe and secure in bondage. I like real bondage, bondage that is inescapable. Very few people can put me in real bondage. I am a challenge. Anyone up for it?

Q: Would you please share your most memorable experience in bondage and why you consider it “most memorable”?

A: I would have to say my most memorable experience in bondage would be the very first time that I was in bondage. It was a kidnapping scene with my first Dom. He tied me up where I could not escape. I was in a comfortable position. I find that being comfortable in bondage makes the best experience. I will never forget how I felt that very first time. I felt cared for and scared at the same time.

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a slave, is it 24/7? Was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you just accept the choice of slave from the start)

A I have been a slave and submissive in my life. Presently I am a submissive with my Master. There are some times where I am his slave such as birthdays and other holidays. Lately Sundays have been our special nights where I am more than just a submissive. I guess one could say that I am in a full time BDSM relationship. It might not be full-on Master slave 24/7, but it is constantly in some form of D/s B&D.

Q: What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?

A: A submissive has more control than a slave. A slave gives up more to her Master. A submissive also is more of a “per session” player than a slave.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? And how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? Or does this just not concern or bother you?

A: This question is not applicable to me because I am not one of many slaves…but I will say that although we play with others together, we do not consider ourselves poly.

Q: Define a fuck toy slave and what the difference between her and you is.

A: A fuck toy slave is somebody who exists for their Dom or Master’s sexual pleasure. I do not engage in that type of activity in my professional services, although I have played a fuck toy slave to my fiancée.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?

A: Concerns with other women? I do not have any concerns with other women. I am not the jealous type!

Q: Was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?

A: My health record is checked yearly. I always maintain my health.

Q: favorite task?

A I would have to say my favorite task is taking punishment.

Q: hardest task/demand you did?

A: Hardest? I think my vaginal suturing was one of the most challenging activities I participated in.

Q: do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?

A: I work and have a life…he he

Q: Describe an average day:

A: Average day? I work on the computer, answer phone calls, take sessions, play with my fiancée, do some chores, make dinner…the usual stuff!

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies and/or a job or is your day

spent pleasing Master?

A: I have many interests and hobbies. I am a total geek. I love video games, RPG’s, shopping, TV, and I love learning new things.

Q: Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?

A: No, I was not sent to school.

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife, out on your own, girl’s night out, etc.?

A: I love my girl’s nights out! I am not into clubbing, however.

Q: Think of a scene you grew from experiencing.

Describe that session, please?

A: My vaginal suturing. I was so worried about it, and questioned myself on whether or not I could do it and I surprised myself. It was a lot easier than I originally thought. I had an excellent time and grew so much from it.

Q: Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you entertain? Or is it something your Master wishes? Is that something you would do if He told you to or do you both need to want it?

A: I have permanent body jewelry. I have two 8 gauge rings in my outer vaginal lips. I also have a lock for them. I have had them for quite some time now and it works well in our relationship.

Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because I have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?

A: When it does happen you will love it. It will make you feel special and wanted.

Q: i’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissive’s capitalize “Master”. your thoughts?

A: The entire capitalization thing can get carried away. If you think you can tell whether a person is genuine or not based on it, you need to get off the computer and get into the real life scene!

Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?

A: the cane!

Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?

A: I love my Hitachi Magic Wand! Every woman should have one!

Q: What if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only?

A I do not have that problem in my relationship, nor will I ever…so I guess I am quite lucky. I cannot imagine that scenario.

Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier. Your thoughts?

A: I think it gets easier the more you feel comfortable with your Dom. Then you can obey and things just run smoothly.

Q: Eating a diet is premium. What is yours? What vitamins do you take?

A: I currently am on Weight Watchers. I take a multivitamin daily.

Q: What are the qualities regarding yourself that you feel are the most important?

A: I think the fact that I can take an exorbitant amount of pain is important. Sadists are attracted to me.

Q: May readers contact you for service? And how would they do that?

Readers may definitely contact me. I can be reached at . Thanks so much for interviewing me!

Interview with Shenanigans

Describe yourself.

Handle (name): Shenanigans, or Shanny. I occasionally answer to “hey you.”

Age: 33

submissive/slave: always submissive, sometimes slave..

24/7 / weekend, etc., time frame: currently 24/7

Geographic area: Anchorage, Alaska

Q: What drew you to bdsm?
A: Good question. I feel sometimes like a moth drawn to flames.

I’ve been involved in this my whole adult life, I really couldn’t say what “drew” me to it, since its so much a part of who I am, and who I’ve always been. The amount or relief I felt when I first found out there were other people like me in this world was indescribable.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?
A: No, I don’t. Not specifically, at any rate. I do feel that one of my greatest talents is putting smiles on peoples faces and making others happy, but I don’t limit that to just a Master, everyone deserves a smile and a laugh. When it comes to serving and pleasing a dominant, it gets me off and makes me feel good. It gets him off and makes him feel good. I’m all for feeling good and having fun, so it suits me quite well.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?
A: My earliest memory is stabbing myself with a pencil at the age of two just to see what it felt like. When I was 9 I cut my finger with a piece of glass. I liked it. The first time was accidental, the other 8 times were deliberate. I have to admit, though, that growing up I really did struggle with my masochism; it made me feel like a freak, I didn’t want to be a freak. Eventually I came to terms with my freakishness and embraced it. Long live the freaks!!

Q: Are there other qualities, such as fear and being naughty that you need as well? Please label the qualities you need.
A: I like fear. I like the unexpected. I like surprises. I like challenges. I like having my buttons pushed. I like high quality sex. I like laughter. I like having fun. I like affection. I like having my ass kicked, and then cuddled afterwards. I like being valued and appreciated as well as degraded and smacked around. The mind is the biggest erogenous zone, and I like someone who makes me think deep thoughts as well as dirty thoughts.

Q: Are you currently owned?
A: This is a hard one for me to answer, actually. I’m really quite commitment-hobic. I’ve been sitting here trying to answer this for the past 5 minutes, and the man is just sitting there laughing at me. Yes, I’m owned, and damned if it just keeps freaking me out. I like to pretend its just “loanership” for my own peace of mind sometimes. Shhh, don’t tell him I said that.

Q: How many Masters have you had?
A: I’ve been in two long-term D/s relationships, but I’ve played with a lot of dominants. My current relationship makes my third attempt. I don’t dare say that “third time’s the charm,” but I do dare say that I’m interested to see what happens next.

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?
A: Well, since each man is different, pleasing each one is different. I’d say there’s a lot of on-the-job training involved with every person I’ve ever played with. There are a few things that hold true for most though. Most guys like a good blow job, and an ass to whack, for example. Can’t go wrong with that_wink

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the thought “i can’t”? If so, what do you do?
A: I do it anyway, after internally arguing with myself back and forth about it. I like pushing my own limits. I don’t like the words “I can’t.” I don’t like self-limitations. Nothing is impossible if I set my mind to it.

Q: Do you crave or like or dislike being restrained and bound in bondage?
A: I like it. Sometimes I crave it. Sometimes I crave playing without it. I find great comfort in bondage. The inescapable provides security, and takes the choice out of my hands, and allows me the luxury of laying the blame elsewhere. It’s not my fault, if I can’t escape. I’m in pain, and it’s the ties binding me keeping me in pain. I can struggle against them to distract me, or let go and let the bondage cradle and hold me. There is an interesting and very humiliating thing about playing without bondage, because then I have no one to blame but myself. Someone is hurting me, and I could stop them simply by walking away, but I don’t, I surrender, because I want them to hurt me, and I let them do it, blow by blow, driving home that point.

Q: Would you please share you’re most memorable experience in bondage and why you consider it “most memorable”?
A: A few years ago I was at a play party with my ex. (of course, he wasn’t my ex at the time.) Someone asked us to do a demonstration of some shibari rope work, which was one of his particular fortes. I had invited along a girlfriend of mine, who was fairly vanilla, as my guest. He tied me up in a lovely rope corset, leaving my limbs free to move about all I wanted. So there I stood, artfully done up in rope. She was agog over it, just loved the look of it, and asked if he’d truss her up as well. He did. I then grabbed a padlock, and latch her rope to mine, and proceeded to drag her about the party from room to room, stuck at the hip like bondage Siamese twins. It was a riot. She was gasping, as the rope ran up her crotch, and begging me to slow down and stop. I was laughing so hard. We had the entire party in stitches by the time I found the key and unlocked us. I still laugh about it to this day, which is probably what makes it so memorable.

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a slave, is it 24/7? Was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you just accept the choice of slave from the start)
A: I identify more as a submissive than as a slave. I’m a stubborn, independent, self-sufficient sort of gal, who doesn’t need someone to take care of me, I just like it. I’ve pretty much always been this way. Although, anything said with the right tone of voice by the right person, will have me melting into a pool of sycophantic goo saying things like “yes, Master, whatever you say, Master.”

Q: What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?
A: A slave to me is someone who’s life is micromanaged by their Master. That would just annoy me. I am fully capable of making my own decisions. A submissive to me, is someone who pleases by choice. A slave is fully owned, with rules and restrictions and defined consequences, either good or bad. A slave requires more commitment, and I prefer a more casual, less defined commitment.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? and how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not concern or bother you?
A: I’ve never been one of many, or in a poly relationship. I’ve been in open relationships, but never a poly one. I don’t think I’d want to. I do enjoy playing with other women, but not to the extent that I’d like to invite any into my relationship. I’m just not that social, I guess.

Q: Define a fuck toy slave and what is the difference between her and you.
A: a fuck toy is just that: a toy for fucking. A fuck toy isn’t by definition a masochist. I enjoy being a fuck toy, but I like my sex life to have more dimension than that.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?
A: I pride myself on giving 110% of myself to every relationship, and that’s never been a concern of mine. I’m not so self-conscious or lacking in self-esteem that I worry about other women. Let’s not forget that I like women, too. I enjoy having a gal over for fun and games every now and then with my partner, and there’s never been any sort of emotional threat felt on my behalf.

Q: Was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?
A: I take my well-being into my own hands. Who I am, and how healthy I am is my own responsibility, no one else’s. I have only myself to blame if I pig out on buffets on vacation and gain 5 lbs, for example. I keep on top of that. I’m kind of a health nut, anyway. I do go to the doc for regular checkups, as well, naturally.

Q: favorite task?
A: Oh, laundry, if we’re talking domestic tasks. I’m a self-proclaimed laundry nazi. I even do hospital corners on bed sheets. I’ve had people laugh, looking at how organized my underwear drawer is, since all my bras and thongs are organized by color from back to front, darkest to lightest.

Q: hardest task/demand you did?
A: Getting committed. And no, I don’t mean to a mental institution. He says I get downright twitchy over the very thought of a relationship. Yeah, I probably do. I’ve woken up with night sweats having nightmares about it. I’m bad, huh? But hey, I’m facing my fears head-on, go me!

Q: do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?
A: I have a life! My life consists of being 100% taken care of and being told what to do… lol. Just joking. Actually I’m presently job hunting. I took the past 3 months out of my career to do a lot of fishing and hiking and camping, etc. He says my full-time job is being his slut. He can keep saying that, but until I get a job again, I won’t rest easy. Actually, I’m thinking of enrolling in some classes this fall as well. All my friends and family seem to think that’s a grand idea.

Q: Describe an average day:
A: My average day when I’m in town lately: I wake up at 7ish. I get dressed, throw on some makeup, catch a ride to the coffee shack down the road while he’s heading off to work, then walk back home, surf the net, apply for a couple jobs, eat breakfast. He comes home for lunch. We have a noon quickie. He drops me off at the gym, with my bicycle. I work out for an hour, then bike the 6.5 miles back home again. I take a shower, cruise the internet more, make some phone calls, maybe have a job interview, pull out something from the freezer for dinner, watch a movie, or busy myself doing something. I slip into something sexy by the time he comes home, we cook dinner, curl up on the couch and unwind, and then its time for beatings and boinkings! (my favorite part of the day) Eventually, exhausted, striped, sporting a new bruise or two or ten, we crawl into bed and sleep deep.

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies and/or a job or is your day
spent pleasing Master?
A: By trade I’m a paralegal. I have a lot of hobbies, from mountain climbing, to hiking, to playing piano, to gardening, to going to the theatre, etc. I’m eclectic.

Q: Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?
A: Nope, just a lot of on-the-job training, so to speak. Plus, getting smacked if I get it wrong is a good motivator for learning. So is getting smacked if I get it right. Hell, just smack me.

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife, out on your own, girl’s night out, etc.?
A: Yes. I wouldn’t commit myself to a relationship where I wasn’t entitled to have my own time. I think everyone needs that, dominant, submissive, vanilla, whomever. Everyone needs time away from each other every now and then, it’s healthy. My favorite nighttime activity is going to sing karaoke with some friends. (yes, I’m just that big of a dork.) I love singing, and we tend to go once a week. He popped in last time and surprised me. I was quite pleased he showed up, though, since he’d never heard me sing before.

Q: Think of a scene you grew from experiencing.
Describe that session, please?
A: I think I grow from every scene, but honestly the one that sticks in my mind the most was the one and only time I got topped by a woman. It was also the 2nd and last time I ever used a safeword to end a scene. It was going horribly wrong. I was just getting angrier and angrier, and just wanted to smack the gal. It was indeed a learning experience, though. I learned I don’t like being topped by women. I might be bisexual, but when it comes to BDSM, I’m pretty heterosexual; I only like being dommed by men. I like women to be my equal. I’m of the opinion, though, that I’ll try anything at least once. How was I to know whether or not I’d like it until I experienced it? It could have been the best thing since FDR’s new deal, for all I knew.

Q: Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you entertain? Or is it something your Master wishes? Is that something you would do if He told you to or do you both need to want it?
A: First of all, there’s no such thing as “permanent” body jewelry, all holes will close up, given enough time. I’ve had my nipples pierced twice; the first time I did it was 6 years ago, when I was single. My ex hated them, so he removed them. I had them done again last summer, at the spontaneous order of a dominant I was visiting in Chicago. Thankfully everyone seems to like them this time around, because I’d fight tooth and nail to keep them, I love them. I have one tattoo, which I got 4 years ago when I was in a relationship. It was something I wanted, not something he initially wanted me to have. I had to beg and plead with him to finally get his consent to get it done, and thankfully he liked it very much when it was finished. I love my one and only tattoo, it has great personal significance to me. If, in the future, the man I am/will be involved with wanted me to get any body jewelry, I’d have no problems with that. A tattoo or brand, I’d be willing to consider, depending on the design and placement.

Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because I have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?
A: My argument is this: my body might belong to him, but doesn’t he want me to be happy? And if the only thing that will make me happy is a tattoo, then how could he possibly deny me it? (that’s the argument that one me my tattoo. Either that or he was just tired of hearing me beg for it.)

Q: i’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissive’s capitalize “Master”. your thoughts?
A: Most christians capitalize god. Coincidence? It’s a sign of respect. Titles are capitalized. It’s grammatically correct, when used in that context.

Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?
A: a little piece of cylindrical rubber, about two feet long, called a liquid cane. It’s insidious. Second to that would be a single-tail.

Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?
A: I rarely use anything other than my hands. Batteries tend to corrode in my vibrators from lack of use. My hands do far better than any vibrator I’ve ever owned.

Q: What if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only?
A: Hell no. I wouldn’t date anyone who wasn’t sexually attracted to me, anyway. I have a very high sex drive. I could, feasibly, play with someone without it involving sex, but only in a casual situation. I’d still need a good fuck.

Q: How did you become knowledgeable regarding the physiology of what happens in different bdsm play?
A: I like to know why things work the way they do, regardless of the subject. I’m always full of questions. For example, why does spanking turn people on? The biological truth is that spanks stimulate blood flow to the genitals, and release endorphins, which are a natural opiate. If there’s something I want to know, I research the answer, and in researching generally run across several more questions I want the answers to. I’m always studying one thing or another. When someone poses a serious question, I tend to not answer it unless I can compose an intelligent, accurate response.

Q: i know subs aren’t supposed to set up scenes, but if you could, what play would hit all the right buttons for you, what would float your boat?

Example: soaking cat of nine tails in Tabasco, 30 lashes followed by wash off with lemon juice.

A: Well, first of all, I really get off on surprises, so knowing in advance what’s going to happen would be somewhat of a killjoy. So, for the sake of argument, let us suppose that I could script a scene, and then wipe my memory fully of it, in order to regain the element of surprise. Lately I’ve been craving a good old fashioned interrogation scene, with impossible questions I could never answer, something that’ll inspire fear, begging, tears, humiliation, harsh words, strangling, bites, slaps, a lot of man-handling, and laughter at the end. Toss in some seriously heavy impact play, and we’ll call it good. Oh, plus I don’t want to sit straight for at least a week or two afterwards. There’s something so nice about bruises and welts as souvenirs, to remind me for hours and days what transpired, and who did it, and why, to keep that person constantly on my mind. Pure deliciousness.

Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier. Your thoughts?
A: I’ve never liked easy. I don’t think I ever could just “simply” obey, regardless of the consequences. I like to know why, and how much, and where, and what for, and how, and who, and… well, you get the picture. I can’t just serve blindly.

Q: Eating a diet is premium. What vitamins do you take?
A: None. I eat a very nutritious diet that I’ve never had to supplement with vitamins.

Q: What are the qualities regarding yourself that you feel are the most important?
A: I’ve got a lot of talents, but my favorite one would be my ability to make others feel good. Let’s laugh and just have a fucking good time.

Shenanigans, you are simply a delight. Thank you.

Interview with SheCravesThe Pain

Describe yourself.

Handle (name): shecravesthepain also known by my slave name which is fyre. On Masters website i am known as slave fyre.

Age: 38

submissive/slave: a slave.
24/7 / weekend, etc., time frame:
i am always a slave, 24/7. But i am not in a live-in relationship. i am able to see Master about every 5 weeks or so depending on our schedules and i usually stay there about 4 days on average. Occasionally He comes to visit me as well.

Geographic area.
i live in Houston, Texas. And Master lives in Maine.

Q: What drew you to bdsm?
A: It has always been a part of me and my lifestyle even before i knew what the term BDSM meant. i experimented with things most of us do in childhood, except i took it further than most. i always wanted the innocent role-playing games to go a bit further than the norm…jumped off cliffs for the rush, enjoyed power exchanged.. being tied up tighter during cowboys and indians, i wanted to actually be slapped around and hit during the cops and robbers scenes (i liked to play with the rougher boys, never was into playing with dolls and tea parties…except for with that one girl who liked to make out with me *weg*) And things continued to grow from there rather quickly. i experimented with beastility, not penetration yet and breath play before i was 13. i was never molested or abused and was not sexually active until the age of 17.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?

A: yes, i do believe i was born this way, i was not trained to be a submissive or a slave or a masochist, i just am what i am.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?

A: i think i realized early on that i *needed* it when i was not getting off on sexual intercourse alone anymore (although i do love sex, and am probably a sexual addict but if there is no S&M involved at all it eventually gets old really fast) i also realized i *needed* it when i realized that i craved pain…craved it like a heroin addict and i had to get my fix….or as a sadist once referred to the craving…like a vampire who hasn’t fed in a long time. *weg*

Q: How does Master know your limits in regards to pain?

A: i think Master is still trying to find what my limit is in regards to pain, lol. But seriously, i think it comes with knowledge and experience. He knows how to read me very well. We don’t use safe words, i don’t need them…i trust my Master completely.

Q: Did you explore and expand your limits in regards to pain with Master? If so, How was this done?

A:. The first weekend i met Master He nailed my tits to the table, beat me until my whole body was black and blue, electrocuted and burned me until i was a crispy critter . It was intense from day one with Master and has been an ongoing process of exploring and expanding my limits.

Q: There are different types of pain. Example: The pain of quick, instant being gashed with many metal thongs and bleeding, another is suction pain, another is beating with a think cane, another is having nails driven through your breasts into a 2 x 4. Sometimes one craves one and can not tolerate another. Which types of pain do you crave?

A: i just crave pain period. Sometimes one type of pain is more intense one day and not the other. i don’t know why that is, but that’s just the way i am. For me it varies, right now i am really loving cutting, burning and heavy intense thuddy beatings type pain more than sharp stinging pain. But that might change tomorrow. Anyway it doesn’t matter because i am not given a choice by Master, and i like it that way.

Q: How did Master and you explore which types you enjoyed and which types you find difficult?

A: LOL He does what pleases Him, whether i like it or not is irrelevant. Master is very creative and i never know what He is going to do next. He never discusses beforehand with me what He is going to do to me. The not knowing makes me nervous, but excited and the anticipation is great.

i guess i would have to say that the most difficult session i have had so far would be one of the more recent ones. It included bastinado. Master beat the bottoms of my feet while i was upside down, with a cane. i have done things that were more painful but for some reason this was difficult for me, either i have very sensitive feet which i really had not realized or it was because i was having pms at the time which sometimes makes me hypersensitive, i dunno. Either way, i did not handle it very well, i kicked (as much as i could considering i was in tight restraints) screamed, cursed and cried. Which for me is not the norm. i usually suffer in silence. It was different, i enjoyed it though… it was a great release.

Q: Do you enjoy pleasure? What areas of your body are most sensitive to

A: yes of course i do. my clitoris of course. i also have very hypersensitive nipples. Oh and of course my lips.…the ones on my face, but the others too.. my inner thighs! Oh hell my whole body is sensitive to pleasure!

Q: Do you enjoy being masturbated by Master and masturbating for him?

A: yes and yessssss!

Q: Are there other qualities, such as fear and being naughty that you need as well?

A: fear, hell yes!! Fear makes me hot. Make me fear you and i will fall head over hells in love with you.
Naughty, well that’s a given imp always naughty.

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?

A: It comes naturally.

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the thought “i can’t”? If so, what do you do?

A: hmmm, there have been times when i’ve thought WTF, like the first weekend i met Master and He brought out a hammer and nailed my tits to the table. But i have never thought “i can’t” do that. i don’t know when to stop; too much is never enough…so i trust Master to know when.

Q: Do you crave or like or dislike being restrained and bound in bondage?

A: i crave it, and enjoy it.

Q: Would you please share your most memorable experience in bondage and why you consider it “most memorable”?

A: hmmm, well Master doesn’t do bondage on me all of the time, yes He always restrains me in one way or another …..not always the more intricate type of bondage. But the most memorable thus far was the scene with the large metal ring that hung from the rafters. He had me sit inside, arms and ankles tied to the rings with rope, bamboo across my back and chest and more bamboo squeezing my tits into pancakes like i was having a mammogram, bamboo across and into my mouth, like a bit. i know it doesn’t sound like much but trust me; it’s very uncomfortable and extremely intense. i was sweating like a pig (do pigs sweat? well i was dripping anyhow, in more ways than one) And if that
wasn’t enough He also beat me with a large bamboo or rattan cane as i swung around. weeeee! That was my most memorable bondage experience. Why? Because it was very intense, just due to the bondage itself.

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a slave, is it 24/7? Was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you just accept the choice of slave from the start)

A: i considered myself to be a slave-wired submissive, or as some say have a slave heart, before i met Master. i did not consider myself to be a slave until i was collared by Master. my mindset is of a 24/7 slave mentality. It is always in the back of my mind. i constantly am thinking of S&M, or BDSM in general and of my Master. But i am not in a 24/7 relationship.

Q:What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?

A: a submissive is someone who submits and enjoys the exchange of power.
a slave is someone who is owned by a Master and has no limits.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? and how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not concern or bother you?

A: yes, Master has other slaves. 3 collared slaves….one is a live in, and two long distance. And there are quite a few others that come to Master for sessions/training. i am fine with this, i am poly. It does not bother me, i would actually enjoy being more of a part of the household or at least live closer to Master.

Q: Define a fuck toy slave and what is the difference between her and you?

A: a fuck toy, i would think that is someone who is strictly there to sexually please Master and whomever He wishes, and nothing more.
i can do that *weg* But i need more than just that.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?

A: yes. There is no room for jealously in this type of relationship. i don’t get jealous about Master being with other women, i only wish i could be more involved *weg*

Q: Was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?

A: Master did not require it of me. Although i had checked it not long before i met Master when another Dom had asked me for it.

Q: favorite task?

A: suffering for Master.

Q: do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?

A: i work full time, plus overtime.

Q: Describe an average day:

A: an average day when i am with Master….
He picks me up at the airport, i’m instructed how to dress…always slutty *smiles* and when at His home i am immediately instructed to disrobe. i stay that way during the length of my visit most times with the exception of my collar and hi heel shoes. We go into the dungeon and the torture begins, each session is a few hours long. With breaks in between. During breaks i’m allowed to relax. But although i have never been instructed to do so, i believe in and try to follow protocol, i guess a mix of old guard and new. i never sit on Masters furniture always on the floor, even in my own home when Master is around, i never eat until given permission, or at least not until after He has started. i ask permission to go to the bathroom, i try to never turn my back to Master, don’t cross my legs, use slave positions when appropriate, etc etc……other than that, during breaks it’s pretty relaxed. Masters live in slave is extremely nice and she makes sure i am fed, because once Master and i get into an intense scene neither one of us thinks about nutrition and would probably continue until we both passed out. LOL. Anyway, so we session off and on all day and night, intensely and then i am put to bed…..which consists of a pallet on the floor in the dungeon. Master chains me up, with a metal cuff to my ankle and a large chain to the wall . And i am left exhausted and alone to sleep. (my toilet is a metal bucket) On rare occasions Master has allowed me to sleep chained on the floor at the foot of His bed…i cherish those rare occasions. Then in the morning sometimes His live in slave comes in and unlocks me and brings me food and coffee (isn’t she sweet) or Master comes up and unlocks me and allows me to come into the house. Then after breakfast and a shower…back to the dungeon and it starts all over again*weg*
But its not always all intense all of the time, sometimes there is time for relaxing and hanging out at the pool getting our tans on, going out to a strip club. And when Master visits me we go to play parties and out to clubs etc.

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies and/or a job or is your day spent pleasing Master?

A: yes, i have friends, interests, a career and hobbies outside of our relationship. Although i share things with Master and any important decision is first discussed with Master. i always trust His opinion. i try not to bother Master with the little things. He does not micromanage my life, being that we live across the country from each other that makes it next to impossible. And even if He wanted to His hectic schedule would not allow it.
i would love to spend all of my time pleasing Master, but that is not very realistic.

Q: Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?

A: no. i have skills, but they are self taught.

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife, out on your own, girl’s night out, etc.?

A: yes, i am allowed to go out on my own. i ask for permission when it is something BDSM related.

Q: Think of a scene you grew from experiencing.
Describe that session, please?

A: i personally get something and grow from every session i experience.

Q:Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you entertain? or is it something your Master wishes? is that something you would do if He told you to or do you both need to want it?

A: yes, i have had my nipples pierced in that past before i met Master. It was years ago and they have since migrated and i had to take them out.
Master has mentioned maybe having my nipples pierced again and possibly my labia and having them locked. i will do this if Master wishes. And tattoos.
Another thing that has come up recently is de-hooding…the surgical removal of the hood (foreskin) covering my clitoris. This is something i desire to do with/for Master someday.

Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because I have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?

A: true, our bodies belong to our Masters. And whatever He wishes to do with His property is up to Him. If He wants to tattoo or to pierce or not to it is ultimately Masters decision, at least as far as i am concerned. If it is sometime that i desired on my own i would ask His permission first.

Q: i’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissive’s capitalize “Master”. your thoughts?

A: i can’t speak for others, but i do it out of respect to all Dominants/Tops/Masters and also out of habit.

Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?

A: ooh, that’s a tough question there are so many i love. If i have to pick only one, i guess it would have to be the cane. i really love whips especially single-tails, but the cane is so much more intimate and can be just as intense.

Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?

A: using on myself? the large wooden dildo i brought back from Belize.

Q: what if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only?

A: i like to think that if He did not find me attractive that He would never have collared me. But yes i would be happy, not as happy, but happy none-the-less just to be serving His sadistic needs. Master owns my body to do whatever He wishes…and hopefully in this case, i would also hope that He would allow me other avenues to satisfy my sexual needs.

Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier. your thoughts?

A: What mental garbage? That’s malarkey. i just obey, don’t think twice about it.

Q: Eating and your diet is premium. Any special diet for sessions? what vitamins do you take?

A: no special diet, but i try to eat heart healthy. But, i do back slide and eat junk-food more often than i care to admit. i do not take any vitamins currently, although i probably should.

Q: What are the qualities regarding yourself that you feel are the most important?

A: loyalty, honesty, capable, adaptable, confidence, humble, reverent.

Thank you so much, frye, it has been an exceptional treat to talk with you.

Interview with Master’s babydoll

Describe yourself. Outgoing, social, athletic, attractive female that enjoys adventure, helping others and her family and friends.

Handle (name): Master’s babydoll
Age: 44
submissive/slave: submissive and working for more…
24/7 / weekend, etc., time frame:
3 days in a month total
Geographic area. San Diego

Q: What drew you to bdsm?
A: I have always had an interest in bondage since I was very young.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?
A: Yes

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?
A: I never really knew I did until I started to receive it in BDS&M form. Prior to, I initiated it onto myself in other ways without realizing the connection. Those things have settled and I don’t go there anymore because Master is able to inflict it onto me…it is a more productive and positive path for me to have it this way as well.

Q: Are there other qualities, such as fear and being naughty that you need as well?
A: These things do turn me on…I don’t understand why either.

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?
A: Pleasing comes natural to me and very important as well. I am this way in all I do.

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the thought “i can’t”? If so, what do you do?
A: Oh god yes. It depends. Sometimes I will hesitate and moan, sometimes I will resist, sometimes I will shake; sometimes I will breathe very hard and then take the tiny steps it is going to take to do it and that is what I try to do first. unless it’s shocker!!!!!!!!

Q: Do you crave or like or dislike being restrained and bound in bondage?
A: I love being restrained and bound in bondage and I crave it as well.

Q: Would you please share your most memorable experience in bondage and why you consider it “most memorable”?
A: Most memorable was the time Master asked me to read him a book about bondage. I also have never recalled anyone ever asking me to read to them in my life so it already started out really unique and very special. I read to him in the car, bedroom, etc. It was very erotic and Master listened with intent interest and it felt good to me. Then I was reading about the beauty of bondage and Master shared with me how bondage should be beautiful and how much he loved seeing a woman tied… As I continued to read, he proceeded to tie me, around my chest and neck and I was nearly breathless and feeling totally turned on as I tried to read while I could feel his ropes press against my skin where my body was now becoming more restricted. Master’s presence was powerful, the way he look at me, he became the creator and he explored his creations with me and I felt it, I loved it and it was incredible to understand what bondage is in the eyes of my Master.

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a slave, is it 24/7? Was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you just accept the choice of slave from the start)
A: By nature I am submissive to Master and am working on the role of being a slave.

Q: What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?
A: A slaves seems to have more boundaries and restrictions while being submissive I think there is more flexibility.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? and how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not concern or bother you?
A: If this works for others I am fine with it. It is not something we have ever encountered together or discussed.

Q: Define a fuck toy slave and what is the difference between her and you.
A: A fuck toy slave… Someone you can use, abuse, take advantage of and do what ever you want to in order to please yourself. The otherside would be someone you value, cheerish, enjoy, appreciate, respect, take care and protect.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?
A: As time passes and Master and I grow together, yes.

Q: Was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?
A: Yes we were both checked prior to committing to one another.

Q: favorite task?
A: Kneeling before Master with him brushed up again my body.

Q: hardest task/demand you did?
A: Wearing his dog collar

Q: do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?
A: I work and have a life.

Q: Describe an average day:
A: My Master and I do not live together. While we are apart I do everything vanilla but I communicate with Master and share with him the sexy clothes I might be wearing for him and speak of things that please him as often as I can. However, when we are together I will wear what he wants me to wear, nail polish, hair color and all. I will be waxed, clean and will easily submit to him if the time is right for it. While we are in public, we are displayed as vanilla together.

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies and/or a job or is your day
spent pleasing Master?
A: I have interest, hobbies, a job, family and more but I also do my best in taking care of me physically and emotionally, so I can be the best I can be for Master as well.

Q: Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?
A: Yes and i find a lot of pleasure in this .

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife, out on your own, girl’s night out, etc.?
A: Yes

Q: Think of a scene you grew from experiencing.
Describe that session, please?
A: Master’s punishments from the beginning, to when he demanded my hair be blonde and I stubbornly refuse to do it the way he asked. He showed me in a play session how serious he was and made me wear a swim cap all day and during scene too. It was embarrassing and he said that is the only way I will be when I am around him. What I learn that day and experience is that when Master demands something, he expects it and I have to do it or else I will pay the price his way and the cap thing is easy in comparison to his other punishments. Luckily, I don’t get punished to often…

Q: Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you
entertain? Or is it something your Master wishes?
is that something you would do if He told you to
or do you both need to want it?
A: I would do it for him if he wanted me to.

Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because I have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?
A: I am comfortable with that.

Q: i’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissive’s capitalize “Master”. your thoughts?
A: I like that I feel a Master is more powerful in position and should stand out more.

Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?
A: Vibrator

Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?
A: It’s in forced

Q: What if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only?
A: I don’t know if my Master would play with me if I was not attractive to him or if he would want me sexually.

Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier. Your thoughts?
A: I find the challenges to be difficult and obeying can be tough.

Q: Eating a diet is premium. What vitamins do you take?
A: Omega 3’s, primal defense, one a day, Vitamin. E and A

Q: What are the qualities regarding yourself that you feel are the most important?
A: I am confident, independent and try to value the good things that come into my life and have a positive attitude while I travel the journey in life.

ann: i thank you, Master’s babydoll, for your honesty and initamacy which makes this a valueable Interview.

Interview with “Poeme”

Handle (name): Poeme
Age: 41
submissive/slave: submissive primarily but known to switch. bisexual.
24/7 / weekend, etc., time frame: Our dynamic is 24/7 though we do not live together currently.
Geographic area. SouthEastern US (NC)

Q: What drew you to bdsm?
A: I’ve always had a sexually submissive personality on the whole and developed an intense erotic interest in spanking as a child.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a
Master? If not, why do you serve and please a
A: No. It pleases him that I serve him and it pleases me to please him. Convoluted sounding, yes? Basically, I have more difficulty in relationships not serving than serving.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?
A: Pain turns me on. I find it erotic. Not all pain is erotic…stubbing one’s toe certainly isn’t…but if it comes from him I find it a wild turn-on.

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally
to you or were you taught or was it something you
figured out?
A: Not sure what you mean here. Sexually? Years and years of experience with many different partners taught me. With all I simply asked what pleased them. Some can tell you and with others it’s more trial and error. The Dom and I utilize both.

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an
act and you have the thought “i can’t”? If so,
what do you do?
A: Yes. He is wildly turned on by the thought of adding a female playmate to our dynamic. I’m fine with it once we are living together 24/7 but before then the thought is a complete and resounding gut-level “NO!” When he told me of his desire, I thought about it for quite some time. He was pushing me to find a playmate and I finally had to tell him that I couldn’t at this time.

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a
slave, is it 24/7? Was it always this way? (Were
you a submissive first for a length of time or
did you just accept the choice of slave from the
A: I have always identified as a submissive. I think in actual day to day living there really isn’t a whole lot of difference. The Dom ultimately desires me to identify as his slave. I wish this as well once we are together 24/7. When the Dom and I created our own collaring ceremony last year, we took different titles for one another: Vainqueur and vaincue. These have specific meaning for us alone and serve to identify to us that we have a unique relationship to one another outside the bdsm common definitions.

Q:What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and
a submissive to you?
A: A slave submits once – when they choose a Master and give themselves to him. There are no limits other than his. The slave retains the right only to leave the relationship and no others within it. One must choose wisely. The Master is responsible for the slave and their well-being.

A submissive continually chooses to submit. They retain their own limits and must consistently weigh the consequences of activities they submit to.

It’s similar to the differing feels of physical vs mental bondage. If one is mentally bound then one is continually choosing to submit. If one is physically bound then choice, to a certain extent, is removed and one is free to fight, struggle or relax into the bonds.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of
the house slave? and how do you feel about
situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not
concern or bother you?
A: I am not poly nor is the Dom. If I were to switch, poly would be easy for me as a Domme…for some reason it’s not as a submissive.

Q: Define a fuck toy slave and what is the difference
between her and you.
A : Fuck toy slave…hmmmm. No difference really! LOL It’s a role one plays within a relationship dynamic. A slut. A sex slave. Similar to playing harem girl or nurse or prostitute or little girl.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get
you past any concerns about other women?
A: Nope. I take this to mean – does deeply needing to please him make it okay in my head for him to play around with others – Nope. The idea is still deeply disturbing.

Q: Was your health record checked first? Do you
have any concerns about health or do you just
leave it to Master to worry about?
A: I am responsible for my own health. Prior to our relationship becoming exclusive, I was seeing several others and routinely had myself tested. I continued this practice for a year after we were together exclusively.

Q: favorite task?
A: LOL sexual service.

Q:hardest task/demand you did?
A: Giving up control of my body to him. This was specifically for the purpose of training my clit to cum faster (something that usually took 30mins+). This was a mental construct. I “gave” my clit to him and he would and does instruct me in how to care for it and discipline it and train it. Oddly enough, this technique has worked wonders. My clit will come in seconds now.

Q: do you work and have a life or are you 100%
taken care of and told what to do all day?
A: He’s not a micromanager and it would drive me crazy if he were. I work from home and have small children.

Q: Describe an average day:
A: Take care of the family in the morning, talk with the Dom either by phone or online, meet with him, be home for the family in the evenings. That’s a very general outline.

Q: On a bondage site, you have posted 29 beautiful
art works where most upload a photograph of
themselves. What is there meaning to you? What
about these works are you wishing to share?
A: Waterhouse has always been a favorite. Intense colors. Vibrant. Passionate. I can look at them for hours.

Q: On the same site, you spiritual poems for people
to read. What is there significance to you?
A: Their signifigance is between the Dom and myself. Expressions of love and bonding.

Q:How does your spirituality affect your bdsm play?
A: I am a practicing solitary witch. The Dom and I practice Tantra as well and incorporate it into our play.

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies and/or a job
or is your day
spent pleasing Master?
A: A good bit of the day is spent pleasing him actually.

Q:Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a
manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?
A: No.

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife,
out on your own, girls night out, etc.?
A: Don’t have girlfriends that live close by. If I did, the Dom probably wouldn’t feel comfortable with clubbing but going out with them would be fine.

Q: Think of a scene you grew from experiencing.
Describe that session, please?
A: Grew in what way? A snippet of one comes to mind. The Dom had been fucking me hard for the longest time. I was so sore it hurt badly. And I reached a point where I simply relaxed and opened up to him both my body and my spirit and let him take me. I let him all the way inside of me. The most profound sense of submission and giving and vulnerability and peace, joy, love came with that opening.

Q:Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you
entertain? or is it something your Master wishes?
is that something you would do if He told you to
or do you both need to want it?
A: Yes. This is something we have planned to do once we are married and living together.

Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because i
have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my
Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?
A: The Dom and I both like the idea of matching tats. We plan to do this as well.

Q: i’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissive’s
capitalize “Master”. your thoughts?
A: If someone is trained that way, fine. If I’m responding to someone who does on the fora, then I tend to follow the OP’s capitalization rules. I do tend to capitalize my own Dom’s and will to a select few others. That’s just what feels right to me.

Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?
A: Hard one….hmmmmm. His hands, my g-force vibe, my glass dildo.

Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?
A: Little bullet egg…very powerful.

Q: what if your Master did not find you attractive
or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy
serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic
needs only?
A: Nope. That would be the end of our relationship.

Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and
simply obeys, it all gets much easier. your thoughts?
A: Sounds like a cop-out for the weak-minded. One submits or one does not. One never gives up responsibility for their own actions and their consequences.

Q: Eating a diet is premium. (after all – what is
coming out of one end is from what you put in the
other.) what vitamins do you take?
A: Centrum and a vitamin C that the Dom recommended when I have a cold. I don’t diet. Diets teach poor lifeskills. I maintain a balance of my foods and I exercise.

Q: What are the qualities regarding yourself that
you feel are the most important?
A: In what context? Overall? My empathy. Not sympathy…I pity no one unless they are truly pitiful. I respect other’s paths. I have been told I am kind. I do try to be.

Interview with Dona

Name: Dona
Age: 45
Submissive/Slave: Submissive
Time frame: 24/7
Geographic area. Delaware

Q: What drew you to BDSM?
A: A need deep inside myself that never had a name before I discovered BDSM.

Before I found out it was ok to be who and what I am, I kept my deepest desires to myself… until I found out there are a LOT of others like me out there. When I found BDSM, lightbulbs went off inside me fast and furious and it was one revelation after another. It just seemed right. In the years since discovering that what I am had a name, I have grown quite comfortable with myself in ways I never thought possible before. I always knew I was different, and that difference held a certain amount of shame. That shame is gone now. BDSM helped me understand who I truly am.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?
A: Yes. To my core.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?
A: Feeling pain gives me pleasure and allows me to push myself to heights not possible in any other arena. It tests my endurance, and in the end, allows me to grow as a person. But basically, it’s the pleasure factor for me now. I just like it.

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?
A: I’ve always been a people pleaser to some extent, with most everyone. But pleasing my man allows me to focus my efforts and gives me rewards I cannot receive from others. It has also allowed me to let go of the need to please others, hence eliminating the disappointment when they just don’t get it or care.

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the thought “I can’t”? If so, what do you do?
A: I have physical limitations, and when this occurs in this area, I tell him I can’t. He would become very upset with me if I didn’t. If I was injured because I didn’t speak up… well… I would not want to be in my shoes when he found out. In other areas, I just bite it and do what he requires, whether I like it or not. Doing what he requires/wants is enough for me to push past my own needs, likes, dislikes or feelings in any given area.

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a slave, is it 24/7? Was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you just accept the choice of slave from the start)
A: I am a submissive. 24/7.

Q:What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?
A: I’ve heard the debate over this subject for years, and have heard as many definitions of each as opinions. I could go on and on about this but would prefer, at this time, to not answer.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? And how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? Or does this just not concern or bother you?
A: I am his only girl, but poly would be an option I would consider under the right circumstances.

Q: Define a fuck toy slave and what is the difference between her and you.
A: A fuck toy slave (I’m not totally sure here, just guessing) would be someone who is totally into it for the sex. Me? I’m in it for the total package. I had my day of being a fuck toy, but when I grew older, I found I wanted more.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?
A: Yes. Beyond a doubt. But jealousy doesn’t enter into our relationship anyway. We are quite secure and happy, and I think that has a lot to do with it.

Q: Was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?
A: I am responsible for my health, but in all areas he is involved as I do have some health concerns. He cares for my health and well being in all areas.

Q: Favorite task?
A: Being his fuck toy.

Q: Hardest task/demand you did?
A: With my physical limitations, a lot that I do daily is hard. I have to take very good care of myself and have definite limitations. But I will push myself a lot farther than most might (possibly a positive result of being a sub/masochist?), because it is just me to do so. So, many things I do are hard.

Q: Do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?
A: I work full time and have a full schedule daily. My tasks are up to me, but I drop whatever it is I might be doing if he tells me to do something. I account to him frequently throughout each day, letting him know what I have accomplished, where I’m going, when I’ve arrived safely, and pretty much everything I do. Since we both work, a lot of our conversation is by phone, and each night we discuss our days and I fill him in on anything he missed during the day. I am not told what to do every moment, but it is expected of me to know what must be done and to do it. Neither of us has the time or energy in our full lives for him to micro-manage me. Of course, he often has added ‘assignments’ for me and they take precedent over most things on my own agenda.

Q: Describe an average day:
A: Up at 5:30 am, coffee and talking and agenda for the day is accomplished by 6:15 when I leave for work. I call him on both breaks and at lunch to check in. Off work by 3pm and either shopping or home to prepare supper. Cleaning, free time or whatever else I have to do is done before he gets home. Once he’s home, he gets my undivided attention. We eat together, talk a LOT, listen to music or whatever. Playtime/movie time/bedtime is around 8 pm. Asleep by 10 pm or before.

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies and/or a job or is your day spent pleasing Master?
A: I work full-time and I have more hobbies than I have time for. I’m a computer nut, a photographer (he is my favorite subject, next to nature), I have just acquired my OWN craft room fully outfitted for almost any project. I write, do graphics, work on our websites, garden (together) and quite a number of other things I can’t remember right now. I rarely have enough time in a day to accomplish everything I would like to accomplish, but as long as I accomplish SOMETHING other than routine chores I’m happy. I believe I would drive my man nuts if I was up in his face constantly, all day. He would never be happy that way.

Q:Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?
A: No. I’m self taught.

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife, out on your own, girls night out, etc.?
A: Any time I wish. It’s rare, but I do go out with a girlfriend on occasion.

Q: Think of a scene you grew from experiencing. Describe that session, please?
A: I prefer to keep actual scenes private. Thanks.

Q: Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you entertain? or is it something your Master wishes? is that something you would do if He told you to or do you both need to want it?
A: No. I’ve asked for a tattoo, and if I really wanted one, he might consider it, but his desire is for me not to, so I accept that.

Q: I have never had a tattoo or piercing because I have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?
A: Whatever works within a dynamic is fine.

Q: I’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissives capitalize “Master”. your thoughts?
A: I try not to think too much.

Q: And your favorite toy is (only one)?
A: My clover clamps! LOVE them!

Q: Favorite toy set up while masturbating?
A: Butt plug in, clover clamps on.

Q: What if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only?
A: No.

Q: Once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier. Your thoughts?
A: Although my day is not filled with his ‘orders’ from start to finish, I do know that once I am given one, there is clear purpose and fulfilling his need/desire is a clear cut path for me to follow. At that point, it IS very easy. This is not a state of mind I could accomplish within a casual relationship. To me, it is born out of our commitment to each other and comfort in each of our places within the relationship.

Q: Eating a diet is premium. (after all – what is coming out of one end is from what you put in the other.) what vitamins do you take?
A: I take a daily multi-vitamin.

Q: What are the qualities regarding yourself that you feel are the most important?
A: Honesty, humor and love.

Q: Is there anything you wish to add to this interview?
A: I do not call my man ‘Master’, but in every way possible, he is. He is the Master of my destiny like no other before him. As we dance our dance, my submission and his dominance meld together in a perfect rhythm. To me, this is perfection of D/s… for me… for us. I can only wish everyone else out there finds such compatibility. It takes work and commitment, but everything worth having does.

Ann: Thank you so much for your words. They touch me in a very deep way.
Dona: Thank you! I could have been a bit more candid, but I wanted to be brief. you can post with it if you like.) Gotta run, honey just pulled in! Hugs!

Interview with”Joy”

Age: 23

submissive/slave: slave

24/7 / weekend, etc., time frame: 24/7

Geographic area: California

Q: What drew you to bdsm?

A: I’ve always had fantasies of being overpowered both physically and mentally by a strong man and, I’m happiest when I’m serving….though, I never really knew what BDSM was until I was about 14 or 15. 

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do

you serve and please a Master?

A: Not really “born to serve”, it’s just something that makes me feel like I’m complete.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?

A: It’s another way to show my Owner my devotion.

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught

or was it something you figured out?

A: It comes naturally.  I like making him happy, I like knowing that I’m making his life easier, and I like seeing a smile on his face, knowing that I’m the one that put it there.

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the

thought “i can’t”? If so, what do you do?

A: Yup.   My Owner doesn’t allow me limits or safewords, so it’s difficult at times to do the things he wants me to do, knowing in my head that it’s something that I, myself wouldn’t do if I didn’t have him in my life.  Occasionally, I get upset when he requires something I feel I can’t do and it may take a little bit to remind myself that I NEED to make him happy.  Once I realize that, I suck it up and deal.  And, in the end…I’m glad I went through it with him.  🙂

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a slave, is it 24/7? Was it

always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you

just accept the choice of slave from the start)

A: I’m a 24/7 slave.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? and how

do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not concern

or bother you?

A: Some guy I used to talk to called my Owner “super poly”.  I have no freakin’ clue what the difference between poly and super-poly is, but eh…super poly is kinda cute, so I’ll stick with that description for him.  My Master has been married to his slave for over 40 years and he has two others besides me who I haven’t met yet.  I work with his wife; she’s basically my employer and we get along just fine and dandy.  I used to say that I could never be in a poly relationship, only because I figured that I’d get jealous.  Since there’s absolutely *no* drama between any of us, things are working out.  Does his need for others bother me?  Nope; he’s a VERY extreme sadist and it’s a damn good thing that he’s got other chicks he can beat whenever he feels like.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns

about other women?

A: Yes.

Q: favorite task?

A: Going to work for him.

Q:hardest task/demand you did?

A: Wearing a diaper out in public while dressed up like a total whore.

Q: Do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what

to do all day?

A: Hmm, both actually.  My Owner takes care of me, but doesn’t tell me what to do ALL day.  I usually plan out my day a day ahead of time and send it to him in an e-mail – this includes what errands I need to do, where I need to go, what I need to accomplish while at work for him, what I plan on wearing, eating and spending (if anything).  I work for my Owner – he owns a BDSM production company and I do secretarial work, movie reviews for his website store, and when we shoot movies, I usually help with behind-the-scenes footage or work on one of the cameras.  He doesn’t tell me what to do all day long – to us, that means that he’s a slave to me and I’m the one in control…and we definitely dont want that 😉

Q: Describe an average day:

A: I wake up, untie myself, do whatever I need to do to serve my Owner, clean, get his clothes out for him, and go to work for him.  Whatever he wants me to do, I’ll do.

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies or is your day spent pleasing Master?

A:  Pleasing my Master is definitely an interest!  But, I also enjoy photography, web and graphic design, travelling, shopping and I’m going back to school in January.

Q:Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any

other pleasure skills?

A: Not yet, but I’m going to learn how to do manicures and I’m probably going to take a couple classes to learn how to massage.  At the moment, he’s teaching me how to give the best blow job ever…’cause I kinda suck at it (and not in the good way)

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife, out on your own,

girls night out, etc.?

A:  I’m allowed to do whatever, but it’s always with his permission first.  When I go out with friends, he knows where I am, who I’m with and what I’m doing because I always text him to keep him informed.  Yup, I’ve got an actual life 😉

Q: i noticed your photographs regarding piercing needles. Describe that

session, please?

A:  Kinda hard.  Needles scare the crap out of me and everything goes all fuzzy.

Q:Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you entertain? or is it

something your Master wishes? is that something you would do if He told you to or do

you both need to want it?

A: I’ve already got my nipples pierced.  A couple months ago, he took me and we got larger gauge nipple rings.  Sometime in the future, we’re hoping for chastity piercings so he can control me even more.  It’s something we both want…and even though I’m not looking forward to having the chastity piercings put in, I’m looking forward to making him happy, and knowing that he controls my cunt 🙂

Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because i have felt my body belongs

to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?

A: Agh, guess I suck at being a slave, because I pierced my nipples before I was owned by my Master.

Q: i’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissive’s capitalize “Master”.

your thoughts?

A: It’s a nice thing to do, I guess.  I usually just cap “Master”, unlike other slaves who un-cap themselves and say “He” or “Him” mid-sentence.  I used to do that, but now, I could care less.  He knows I totally respect and adore him already.

Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?

A: His hands.  They can choke me, pinch me, slap me…and make me feel SO small. 

Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?

A: At the moment, it’s my vibrating toothbrush 😉

Q: what if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you

sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs


A: No.

Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets

much easier. your thoughts?

A: You can never give up the mental garbage because there’s always going to be something new that you’ve never experienced or felt before standing in the way…unless you’re a brainless twit.  If that’s the case, then feel free to jump off that bridge your Owner just ordered you to jump off of.

Interview with “Yours in Leather”

Describe yourself:

Age 47

submissive/slave – owned slave

24/7 / weekend, etc. time frame: 24/7

Geographic area: southwest

Q: What drew you to bdsm?

A: I wasn’t drawn to bdsm.

Q: What drew you to bdsm?

A: I wasn’t drawn to bdsm. I read my Dad’s collection of Sm literature when I was about ten and that’s probably the beginning. When I became sexually active I was adventurous and willing. When I met Master at 25 I was very skilled at unconventional vanilla sex. He brought me bondage, control and role play. We moved into pain together. Ten years later we got on the web and found others like ourselves. Two years after that we joined the local dungeon.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?

A: I was not born to serve and please a Master and I am not sure that I DO serve and please a Master. I obey. I submit. I do those things because I enjoy them. If he feels served and pleased, bully for him, but that’s his business.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?

A: I was always a size queen. I remember talking with my girlfriends about sex and commenting on how much it hurt. They were surprised, it doesn’t hurt, it feels good! Not for me it doesn’t. I like really big dicks that hurt me. AND I have always associated orgasm with pain. Chocolate syrup and coffee icecream in my mouth is pleasure. Having an orgasm is painful. Delicious pain, but pain nonetheless. Before we found whips and chains, getting me off first often made me very horny for intercourse. The pain of orgasm warmed me up for the pain of intercourse. Now I adventure into all kinds of pain and have realized that when I am in pain I am vulnerable, when I am vulnerable I can be penetrated, not just by a cock, but by someone’s mind, their soul, their desires.

Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?

A: I hate this please thing. I don’t try to please. Did knowing how to obey come naturally to me? No, I had to learn to drop MY ideas about how things should be done and simply do as I was told. That required formal training for me.

Q: Are there times when you are required to do an > act and you have the > thought “i can’t”? If so, what do you do?

A: Do it anyway, employ my will to bend my will to his.

Q: Are you a slave or submissive? If you are a slave, is it 24/7? Was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you just accept the choice of slave from the start)

A: I am a slave and yes it is 24/7. No it was not always this way. I have always done what I was told but not without exacting a price from him and always reserving the right to punish him if his decisions turned out poorly (and by punish I don’t mean spank, I mean berate, belittle, wail and gnash my teeth). When we found D/s on the web with all its talk of nurturing and teaching and the dominant being responsible for everything the slave does, thinks and feels I set out to institute that type of relationship. We tried it for five years. I became a stark raving bitch who blamed him for everything, including my own bad moods and it was the worst experience of topping from the bottom I ever saw. Then I found a slave who trained me to obey and to take complete responsibility for myself, for getting my needs for dominance and sadism met and for controlling not only how I behave but how I feel. Slavery works for me. D/s does not.

Q:What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?

A: A D/s relationship appears to be all about teaching, guiding and nurturing the submissive. It is sub-centric. An Ms relationship makes the top type person the center. Slaves take on tremendous responsibility in an Ms relationship. In a D/s relationship all the responsibility appears to be cast onto the shoulders of the dominant person.

Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? and how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not concern or bother you?

A: At the moment there are no other slaves. There have been brief periods of others joining our household. Because our relationship is so long standing it is difficult for them to accept such an inferior status so they leave. I am not poly by nature but Master is not monogamous so he is free to do whatever he pleases from a zipless fuck to taking on a full time romantic relationship with another slave.

Q: Define a fuck toy slave and what is the difference between her and you.

A: I have no idea what a fuck toy is.

Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?

A: I have no passion for pleasing Master. I personally think that is a very sick and deranged motivation for me. His pleasure is none of my business. He is free to do whatever he wants with other women because I have no desire to control him. What I found in the past with his exploits with other women was that I felt publicly humiliated because it looked to me like others would think I didn’t have my guy under control. Well guess what? In THIS culture? Not having your guy under control is a status symbol. Once the public humiliation factor was exorcised I found I had no trouble at all with the idea that he was free to do as he pleased.

Q: Was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?

A: We were 25 and 29, we had no health record. If we’re sick we go to a doctor.

Q: favorite task?

A: drinking coffee at Starbucks and reading a book.

Q:hardest task/demand you did?

A: Overcoming the public humiliation factor that he slept around, see above.

Q: do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?

A: neither. I have not had a job since 1987 but he has so he hasn’t been available to tell me what to do all day. And what a denigrating way to word that question. I am offended. I am not 100% taken care of, I spend my days taking care of him and the three children.

Q: Describe an average day:

A: I get up when his alarm goes off and make coffee. I check to hear if the shower is running, if it’s not I open the door and say, should you be getting up? I check my mail, pour his coffee, make him a protein drink and kiss him goodbye. He often asks about my plans for the day and inserts a directive of some kind. I get the kids off to school and then lounge around in my jammies reading the boards and surfing the web for a while. Then I straighten up the house and go for a bike ride or a hike. The bike ride often takes me to Starbucks where I drink coffee and read a book. When I return home I may be involved in a project (closets, paint a room, plant a garden etc) or watch a movie or chat or nap or read or write or paint a canvas or talk on the phone. The kids come in from school and I monitor their chores, ask about their days and start dinner. Master comes in and I offer him a drink. We will sit in any number of places around the property, outside by the pool, on the swing in the garden, on the back porch, at the dining room table, the living room, the computers or even me on the floor in the bathroom while he takes a dump if that is what is on his agenda. I then finish dinner. We eat as a family and we laugh a LOT over dinner. One of the kids will do the dishes and Master and I either sit at our computers, watch television, read books or go to the garage and tinker with motorcycles. Sometimes we go out to see friends, go to a Monday night workshop at our local dungeon or simply go for a motorcycle ride. When we go to bed we either read or engage in a sexual activity. Sometimes both.

Q: Do you have interests and hobbies or is your day spent pleasing Master?

A: GRRRRRRRRR, stop with the pleasing already. Yes I have interests and hobbies. I paint, write, garden and cook. I like those things.

Q:Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?

A: No

Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife, out on your own, girls night out, etc.? A: No

Q: Think of a scene you grew from experiencing. Describe that session, please?

A: I left him after we’d been together fifteen years. I was trained by a slave during that time and then returned to Master and petitioned him for a collar of consideration. He provided that. Six months later the Master from the household in which I was trained came to Phoenix from Atlanta and the three of us went to the dungeon. I had worn my training collar in conjunction with my collar of consideration for all that time. On our arrival at the dungeon the Master of the slave who had trained me shaved my head, whipped me, cut off my training collar with a knife and presented me to Master fully denuded and ready for his control. Master placed a collar of ownership around my neck and that was that. It was a powerful scene. What I learned was that leather is not a fantasy, collar progressions are not for on line wannabes and that sometimes it takes extreme measures to get one’s slave head on right.

Q:Is getting permanent body jewelry an idea you entertain? or is it something your Master wishes? is that something you would do if He told you to or do you both need to want it?

A: I have piercings and Master has recently acquired a tattoo gun and intends to tattoo my entire body with tribal markings and a vine of barbed wire. I am looking forward to it immensely and the work already done is very exciting. The tattoing is painful and erotic and very edgy. We love it.

Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because i have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?

A: Sorry, see above.

Q: i’ve noticed that in posts and e-mails submissive’s capitalize “Master”. your thoughts?

A: I captialize Master because that’s his name.

Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?

A: Single tail

Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?

A: I don’t masturbate often, if I do, I use my index finger.

Q: what if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only?

A: Hard one. I don’t really know. It would bother me but I have adjusted to other difficult things so I could probably adjust to that.

Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier. your thoughts?

A: Very true words.

Q: Eating a diet is premium. (after all – what is > coming out of one end is from what you put in the other.) what vitamins do you take?

A: I take a multi vitamin and a calcium supplement.

“Sorry about the grrrr-ing about the desire to please. I find that whole concept nauseating.”

“No Worries. The point of the Interviews is to show the differences in slaves/submissives.”

“Good luck to you with your site! I am honored you asked me to participate.”

Interview with “kat”

A 35 year old submissive, north – eastern  united states.

Q:  How did you get into the scene?  What drew you to bdsm?
A:   I’m not quite sure when I look back on my life I was always annoyed with the way my mother let my father do house hold chores and that she never doted on him. I have always taken a submissive role around men. When I was in my early 20’s I dated this guy Dave who was really into pain, well giving it anyway. He used to bite until I was bruised from head to toe, sometimes he would draw blood. I loved how the bruises looked and felt though I used to sob during it, it was a huge turn on. He is really the only link that I have to a bdsm type relationship before I knew there was SUCH a thing.

Q:  How would you state your position (slave, submissive, switch, etc.)?
A:  Slave

Q:  How long have you been  into bdsm?
A:  10 years or so.

Q:  How many Masters have you had?
A:  2

Q: If more than one, why?  what happened?
A: He cheated.

Cheating was an agreed on a deal breaker in this relationship.

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?
A:  I was born to be his everything.

Q:  How did you know you needed the pain?
A:  Pain is much like being choked is for me, I crave it. It comforts me…When things get overwhelming and I feel stressed pain is a good release for me.

Q:  Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?
A:  It’s a natural fit.

Q:Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the thought “i can’t”? If so, what do you do?
A:  There is no such thing as can’t. I tell my students that all the time.

Q:  You are submissive, was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time, did you ever accept the role of slave and change back?)
A:  The first time he realized I had a slave mentality I think it shocked him. He just stared at me and said, the way you say such things one would think you were a slave.  i smiled and replied I am a slave, I’m your slave.

Q:  What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?
A:  i am a 24/7 means there is no on off switch. I’m his to do as he sees fit. Whenever and wherever.

Q:  Are you one of many submissives? Are you the head of the house submissive? and how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not concern or bother you?
A:  I am the only one. I will always be the only one, though I am bisexual and would love to have play dates between him, myself and other women. 

Q:  Do you have play dates?  Have you ever acted on this want?
I haven’t acted on it with him in our current relationship. In the past yes I have.
Q:  What is the difference between you and a fuck toy?
A:  That depends, he teasingly refers to me as his toy. We would like to have “toys” over as play dates. The difference between myself and a fuck toy is we have a emotional relationship that is way more then just sex.  We depend on one another to see each other through everything.

Q:  Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?
A:  We don’t have those type of issues. I’m very secure and stable in my relationship.

Q: Being a submissive to a Master, was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?
A:  I’m pretty independent and being he is deployed oversea’s I look after myself. I have no concerns about my health.

Q:  i was looking through your pictures, and it seems you love to travel and take photo journeys.  Do you travel with your Master?  Do you find time to play while traveling?
A:  My last travel was with him, I went to see him oversea’s on his military leave. As long as you take the batteries out of your toys it’s fine. My piercings have yet to set off a metal detector.

Q:  Do you travel with toys?  How do you get past customs?
A:  Keep the batteries out and know that someone will probably be looking through your suitcase. It doesn’t bother me any.

Q:  Being a submissive, do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?
A:  I work full time.

Q:  Do you have interests and hobbies or is your day spent pleasing Master?
A:  We’re both very active people but him being in the military has kept us in different parts of the world for the past year or so. We both like to run and keep in shape. We are very similar in likes and wants. The only hobby we don’t share is my passion for shark diving.

Q:  Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?
A:  Oh god no. He’s a military man and is quite happy to let me do all of that type of stuff to myself. He calls it the girly thing.
Q:  Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife?  do you go to public (i call them – “slap and tickle”) fetish clubs?  Do you belong to any private bondage clubs?
A:  I’ve been in one years ago that wasn’t very nice in New York City. There isn’t much that I’m not allowed to do.

Q:  do you have any tattoos or body jewelry?
A:  I have one tattoo and nipple piercings.

Q:  Is getting permanant body jewerly/tattoos your idea? or is it something your Master wishes? or you both saw it, wanted it?
A:  On tattoos: I wish to have his name on the back of my neck in asian symbols. His jump wings on my vagina. The significance is once a girl is marked with jump wings no one else will go near that. I’m so proud to be his that I want his mark all over me.

Piercings: I always hated them. Then about a year ago I started to notice I thought they were very sexy. In December he mentioned how hot he thought they were and talked about how he’d like to tack my nipples down to a table and clit if they were pierced and torture me. I went out the next day and pierced my nipples. The clit I won’t do without him.

Q:  i have never had a tattoo or piercing because i have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?
A:  Devotion

Q:  Who were you trained by?
A:  No one.

Q:  and your favorite toy is (only one)?
A:  Can a cat o nine be considered a toy?

Q:  favorite toy set up while masterbating?
A:   I really don’t have one.

Q:  i am wondering, you wrote “Trouper’s Girlie Girl” as a subtitle on a profile, given that you choose to be a submissive, what if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only? A: No but I would and I’d do anything to be desirable in his eyes again. ANYTHING

Q:  What is a GirlieGirl?
A:  It’s his nickname for me. He says I’m very girly. Love shoes, shopping, clothing and makeup, perfume, getting dressed up.

Q:  What do you perceive Master gets out of the relationship and do you percieve you get out of the relationship?
A:  He is EVERYTHING to me. I give him as much support as one can to someone who’s oversea’s. What he says to me is that he knows there is someone at home waiting for him that loves him best in all of the world. I love being that for him. For a long time he thought he’d spend the rest of his life alone. He is the most supporting loving person I have ever been with. He makes me feel like no matter what he is with me. He always looks after me no matter where in the world he is.

Q: i beleive that once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier.  your thoughts?
A:  What mental garbage?

Q:  What you eat, your diet is premium. Before you play, and after, any special foods you eat?  what vitamins do you take?
A:  Before I play i usually stick to liquids. Protein shakes. Mainly my diet is high protein and veggies.

Thank you, kat, it has been very special talking with you.  You are a joyious GirlieGirl!

Interview with “SC” – the uncut version

A 20 year old professional slave, global home.

Q: What drew you to bdsm?
A: very young fantasys, starting with nazi history books (ok ok don’t lecture me) around the age of 4-5

Q: Do you feel you were born to serve and please a Master? If not, why do you serve and please a Master?
A: not nessacerly born, but i am happiest here. i dont think you are born to anything, you just find out what suits you later on in life.

Q: How did you know you needed the pain?
A: pain was always part of the fantasy, to make it short, people accosiate the power to bring pain on you dominance.
Q: Did knowing how to please Master come naturally to you or were you taught or was it something you figured out?
A: naturally. i sucked when he took his cock out, i shut up when he slapped my face, etc
Q: Are there times when you are required to do an act and you have the thought "i can’t"? If so, what do you do?
A: ive been tested, but i just took a deep breath, told myself what i was, and went in to it head first
Q: You are slave, 24/7, was it always this way? (Were you a submissive first for a length of time or did you just accept the choice of slave from the
A: i was a slave to 2 men before i met my master, both of those relationships were 24/7
Q:What is the difference between a slave 24/7 and a submissive to you?
A: 24/7 has no limits. a sub defines her boundaries
Q: Are you one of many slaves? Are you the head of the house slave? and how do you feel about situation? Are you poly also? or does this just not concern or bother you?
A: im his only slave, but he plays with other girls, i enjoy that.
Q: i remember you referring to a fuck toy slave you play with Master with. Define a fuck toy slave and what is the difference between her and you,
A: a 24/7 slave? she gets off on being a week end fuck toy. i get off on being one for life
Q: Does your total passion for pleasing Master get you past any concerns about other women?
A: i enjoy watching him use other women. they please him. i like to see him happy. i decided a long time ago jealousy is just something that will cause me trouble.
Q: Being a 24/7 slave, was your health record checked first? Do you have any concerns about health or do you just leave it to Master to worry about?
A: i had an up to date std testing, and he knew i was physically well
Q: i was looking through your pictures when i realized how big that long black dildo toy is sitting next to a computer screen.
i’m in awe. How long have you had it? How much of it do you take?
A: thank you i believe it’s 17 inches, and i take about 12 right now.
Q:where do i find that big layered for stretching butt plug you have 3-4 pictures of?
A: Here:
Q: Being a 24/7 slave, do you work and have a life or are you 100% taken care of and told what to do all day?
A: we both work. i do work on cam and also model, which causes us to travel alot
Q: Describe an average day:
A: an average day, it would be wake up, do dishes, chores etc, make master breakfast, tend to his needs, spend some time on the computer, go out or read, have lunch, etc etc
Q: Do you have interests and hobbies or is your day spent pleasing Master?
A: both, i do chores, read alot, work out, make sure he is tended to, cook, etc
Q:Did you get sent to school to learn how to do a manicure/massage or any other pleasure skills?
A: nope, i used google
Q: Do you and/or are you allowed to go clubbing/nightlife as it is at 18?
A: i do go out, with friends and such
Q: i noticed you posted regarding piercing needles. Is getting permanent body jewelry your idea? or is it something your Master wishes? or you both saw it, wanted it?
A: both of us really
Q: i have never had a tattoo or piercing because i have felt my body belongs to Master. None of my Masters have desired it or done it. Your thoughts?
A: i believe a master should always give the permission on anything that alters your body from painting your nails to coloring your hair.
Q: i’ve noticed that in your posts and e-mails you don’t capitalize "Master". your thoughts?
A1: yeah ive heard it alot too. id rather kiss my master’s feet then cap someting.
A2: well, my master doesnt believe hitting the shift key makes you respectful, he likes more of an effort on my part
Q: and your favorite toy is (only one)?
A: needles do those count? lol
Q: favorite toy set up while masturbating?
A: probably tied up somehow, where i can still reach myself, clamps, hood and gag
Q: i am wondering, you wrote "happily having my brains fucked out" on day as a subtitle on a profile, given that you choose to be a slave, what if your Master did not find you attractive or did not want you sexually. Would you be happy serving him as he wished, serving his sadistic needs only?
A: yup. id feel horrible if he was only fucking me because i wanted it.
Q: i had no idea they actually made dildos of replica animal dic until i read a post of yours. just close my jaw, please. These are top of line and made of jelly. Which dildo did a fan purchase for you?
Q: once one just gives up the mental garbage and simply obeys, it all gets much easier.
A: yup sure does.
Q: How did you get into scat play?
A: i saw on some porn and i tried it a few days later.

Q: Who’s poop do you eat?
A: mine and my Masters only. He eats mine and his also.

Q: Eating a diet is premium. after all – what is coming out of one end is from what you put in the other. Do you eat anything special and what vitamins do you take?
A: i take the one a day vitamin, and extra zinc and calcium.

Q: You do for pay web cam where people can pay to see you do "your stuff". What is the addi, SC?

Thank you, SC. That was mind bending fascinating.