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Visiting Cities

You are all so sweet, calling, sending emails, sending DM’s in social media, asking me to please return.


Already on the Calendar:

Philadelphia  October 31 to November 2

Boston  November 6 to November 11


This morning I made travel plans.  I will be changing hotel brands.  They are still quality hotels in the areas you are used to seeing me in.


Chicago   March 12 thru the 14th

Philadelphia   March 19 thru the 22nd

Manhattan, NYC   April 15 thru the 18th

Washington DC   April 25 thru the 25th


Make your plans with me as soon as you know your schedule.  I can only take a few hours a day unless they are all with one person.  Thank you for your consideration. 


Slightly High Blood Pressure all Summer…

I eat healthy and I walk 5 miles a day.  So, why has it been something my doctor made me monitor since the end of May?   Because like most folks, worries and anxiety affect my blood pressure.  I quickly learned that taking my blood pressure on a day I was producing an event was stupid.  My blood Pressure was through the roof.  The other reason?  My dog Ollie has had a fatty mass in between his thigh muscles that I noticed last May.  It wasn’t cancerous, but it was growing.  It got so big that he was obviously in pain walking.  

I was able to find a vca hospital that does nothing but surgeries that was able to take care of it September 7.  Fine looking stitches!

I had the fatty mass that was just on the outside of his joint on the other leg removed also.  Mostly, I have been home taking care of Ollie these last two weeks.  The jobs I did take have been excellent and I super appreciate the extended sessions.  Ollie’s stitches get removed tomorrow.


And my blood pressure?  Well, from the time Ollie was released to me after the surgery to when I went back to my Doctor to turn in my blood pressure counter, 10 days, my blood pressure has been perfect.  117 – 120 over 75 – 80 because my dog made it through the surgery and I did not have a sideways day.  I am blessed.


Dragon Con, Atlanta 2023

This was my first visit to Dragon Con in Atlanta.  I had hoped to see my friend Astra there, but she had a work conflict come up and had to cancel.

So off I went to another new convention.  I had bought a Photo Multi Pass with Brian Humphrey.  I think I brought 8 cosplay costumes to have photos taken.  All I had to do was show up and he would take my photo, as many costumes as I wanted.  That was the deal.



There was a cool backdrop to take selfie’s at.



I made it to the Game of Thrones Group shot.  My Melisandre cosplay is excellent.  It was a hand me down from Astra.  I LOVE it!

I extremely loved the over 30 cosplay group and Over 60 Cosplay Group.  I was invited to them by the Coordinator, Jen, who was at a Star Wars Group Shot.